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Bible Teaching commentaries
to download, read or translate and print

Helena with Mark Part 1 commentary in Kiluba language Dem. Rep. Congo 2018

Manna Publications provide easy-to-read Bible teaching commentaries, free to print or download, with Western culture/ jargon removed and religious terms explained, which are easily translated into local languages. Photo: Helena (can you see her baby?) with Mark part 1 Manna Bible teaching book in Kiluba language (40 pages) printed locally in Lubumbashi, R.D. Congo 2018.

Distributing Manna books and Bibles in Malawi

Enock Dimba (front left) distributes Manna Bible teaching commentaries funded by Manna Publications (UK) and Bibles funded by Christian Resource Ministries (Scotland) to pastors and church members in Chichewa-speaking Malawi and Mozambique.

Manna Bible teaching commentaries are suitable for new believers but provide additional teaching for use by pastors, Sunday School and youth teachers and students who wish to know more about the Christian faith and the Holy Bible. They may be used in part or in full by churches, colleges and missions to publish and sell, or give away free, their own Bible teaching books for groups of believers or enquirers. PN, Zambia. 15th July 2022” 

Cool for Christ."This is Charles C. at a sport event. Young people are mobilized through sport and we talk to them about Jesus. There is a great desire for reading God's Word (including Manna Bible teaching commentaries)." From Pastor Peter N., Zambia. 15th July 2022.

In the past 20+ years, God has enabled Manna Bible teaching courses
or commentaries to be published in:

Angola, Armenia, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chad, Congo Dem. Rep. (Kinshasa and Katanga), Congo Rep. (Brazzaville), Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kosovo, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Serbia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe
and in 43 languages plus 2 in Braille

See a list of current languages and countries

Our Bible teaching commentaries by Fred Morris are in ready-to-print form online and can be downloaded free in Easy English, French, Portuguese and Spanish for self-publishing, teaching or translation into local languages. Find English commentaries HERE and French HERE and Spanish Spanish HERE and Potuguese Portuguese HERE.

Printer's files can also be supplied by email on request with personalised cover details. Many titles are available in other languages.

FRANÇAIS 'Publications Manne' fournit des commentaires bibliques gratuits en français simple et facile á lire afin d'enseigner la Parole de Dieu et d'apprendre la langue. Chaque commentaire biblique est en français courant et simple pour étudier seul ou en groupe. Vous pouvez télécharger nos livrets, les imprimer et les vendre ou en faire cadeau. Pour tout renseignement, vous pouvez nous contacter

ESPAÑOL 'Publicaciones Maná' ofrecen gratis unos comentarios bíblicos sobre la Palabra de Dios. Son unos libritos de 40 páginas en español sencillo y fácil de entender. Se puede estudiarlos solo o en grupos de personas. Damos nuestro permiso para descargar estos libritos [AQUI], imprimirlos y venderlos o regalarlos. Si desean mas información, pueden [contactarnos] aquí

PORTUGAIS Manna Publications (Reino Unido) providencia comentários bíblicos gratuitos, em português que é fácil para ler, para ajudar a entender e aplicar a Palavra de Deus. Você pode usar cada livrinho em estudos quando está sozinho ou quando está num grupo. Pode fazer download dos nossos livrinhos, imprimi-los e vendê-los a um preço baixo, ou pode distribuí-los gratuitamente. Para mais informaç ões, entre em contacto conosco em contact

Manna Publications (UK) is a non-profit organisation staffed by unpaid volunteers. Manna Publications (UK) is affiliated to Leeds, (Charity Reference Number 1017386), and in association with Manna Publications (USA).
Copyright © 2007-2023. All rights reserved. Manna Publications (UK)