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in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish

Helena with Mark (Part 1)

Helena (can you see her baby?) with Mark, Part 1 Manna Bible teaching book in Kiluba language (40 pages) translated and printed locally in Lubum-bashi, R.D. Congo 2018. Also, below, Enock Dimba (front left) who distributes Manna Bible teaching commentaries in Chichewa-speaking Malawi.

Distributing Manna books and Bibles in Malawi

Manna Bible teaching commentaries are suitable for new believers but also provide additional teaching inside text boxes for use by pastors, Sunday School and youth teachers and students who wish to know more about the Christian faith and the Holy Bible.

From PN, Zambia. 15th July 2022

“This is Charles C. at a sporting event. Young people are mobilized through sport and we talk to them about Jesus. There is a great desire for reading God's Word (including Manna Bible teaching commentaries).” (From Pastor Peter N., Zambia. 15th July 2022.)

FRANÇAIS ‘Publications Manne’ fournit des commentaires bibliques gratuits en français simple et facile á lire afin d'enseigner la Parole de Dieu et d'apprendre la langue. Chaque commentaire biblique est en français courant et simple pour étudier seul ou en groupe. Vous pouvez télécharger nos livrets, les imprimer et les vendre ou en faire cadeau. Pour tout renseignement, vous pouvez nous contacter.

ESPAÑOL ‘Publicaciones Maná’ ofrecen gratis unos comentarios bíblicos sobre la Palabra de Dios. Son unos libritos de 40 páginas en español sencillo y fácil de entender. Se puede estudiarlos solo o en grupos de personas. Damos nuestro permiso para descargar estos libritos [Aqui], imprimirlos y venderlos o regalarlos. Si desean mas información, pueden contactarnos aquí.

PORTUGAIS Manna Publications (Reino Unido) providencia comentários bíblicos gratuitos, em português que é fácil para ler, para ajudar a entender e aplicar a Palavra de Deus. Você pode usar cada livrinho em estudos quando está sozinho ou quando está num grupo. Pode fazer download dos nossos livrinhos, imprimi-los e vendê-los a um preço baixo, ou pode distribuí-los gratuitamente. Para mais informaç ões, entre em contacto conosco em contact.

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About Manna Publications author: Fred Morris

Manna author, ex-missionary Fred Morris (USA)

Manna author, Australian missionary Fred Morris, retired to the USA and established Manna Publications (USA) in 1990, Manna Publications (UK) worldwide easy English versions in the year 2000 and Spanish, French and Portuguese translations soon after. The first overseas printings of his Genesis Bible teaching commentary (Part 1) were with his former missionary contacts in Mongolia and Kenya. Around 750,000 low-cost A5 booklets have since been printed and reprinted (typical print runs are five hundred copies per title) in over forty countries and as many languages at various points of greatest need since 2001, plus undocumented quantities before that.

Fred died on 13th September, 2018, at the age of almost 94. He leaves a worldwide volunteer organisation of administrators, donors, prayer supporters, editors, publishers, printers, translators and distributors, who endorse his Bible teaching in easy-to-read commentaries. They welcome the opportunity to spread God's truth and His Good News of Jesus Christ 'to the ends of the earth'.


Manna Publications (USA) mission meeting at Fred's church in Virginia, 2006, with visitors from Manna UK.

Copyright © 2007-2025. All rights reserved. Manna Publications (UK)