Here you can view pictures sent to us during September and November 2024 by some of our distributors. They have been collected in a PDF file. Click Here to view them.
Myanmar. School Bible teaching in a village in North-East Myanmar where persecution of believers is often experienced through militia aircraft raids. Our distributor arranges translation of Manna Bible teaching books into three Chin dialects. The students are holding Manna books.
Mexico. Here you see (on the right) our Manna distributor in Oaxaca, southern Mexico in Jan 2025, delivering Manna Bible teaching commentaries to his Prison Fellowship contact, who also helps with a rehabilitation centre.
Burkina Faso Feb 2025. As well as adults, children and teenagers enjoy reading copies of Romans, Part 1, (Manna Bible teaching commentary) in easy French - français courant - printed last year by our distributor in Bobo-Dioulasso. Some of the church families are refugees from the North who have been persecuted by terrorists.
Manna distributor in Malawi, Enock Dimba, visited twenty-five remote unevangelised villages with the Christian Resource Ministries team in October 2024. They showed The Jesus Film each night and 1,572 people received Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Many were delivered from various bondages. Bibles and Manna Bible teaching books were given out. This picture shows Enock praying.
This is a local pastor in Malawi delivering Manna commentaries to our newest distributors who work with the many churches run by Rivers of Hope Ministries.
Enock and Clara Dimba distributing Bibles in Malawi in the Chichewa language, as well as Manna Bible teaching commentaries (far left). See also the Chichewa Manna books in our banner photo at the top of each web page wHere Enock is at the bottom left.
Democratic Republic of Congo: “Student Ndala is holding her Manna Bible teaching book - Acts (Part 2) in the Kiluba language. Our Manna translator’s daughter is a teacher and the teachers bought these books for their Bible study in her school. When Ndala met Christ, she attended the Christian Brethren Church. She now leads the Christian Children Fellowship tHere. After her conversion, her parents were touched through reading Ndala's Manna books and they are now attending the same church. Praise God for the potential worldwide impact of Fred’s writings in print and online!
Here we see Word of Life Theological Training College in Meru, Kenya, with students and friends holding Manna Bible teaching commentaries in easy English. Manna UK supplies boxes of ten titles in small quantities for training students.
A Manna book distributor in Malawi, who is a police officer and evangelist in Balaka, helped establish “Friends of Balaka” Police Fellowship in 2010. The photo shows Manna Bible teaching commentaries being delivered from the local printers.
This shows a baptism in 2023 at a village in Malawi - with one of the 4,551 people converted through the ministry of Christian Resource Ministries run by Enock Dimba on behalf of his ageing parents. He also distributes Manna Bible teaching commentaries while showing a video of the life of Jesus in the villages.
Bible college students in Myanmar holding up their Manna Bible teaching commentaries.
Exchange of Manna Bible teaching books printed in Malawi for distribution in Zambia. Note the wording on the transport vehicle: “Bringing Hope to the Hopeless”
Manna Bible teaching commentaries on Revelation, chapters 1-3, printed in Myanmar in the Mizo, Falam and Hakha Chin languages
This shows the library resource of nine Manna Bible teaching commentaries in the Word of Life Bible training college, Meru, Kenya.
Delivering Manna Bible teaching books in worldwide easy English to secondary school pupils in Zambia.
Collating Manna Bible teaching booklets in Portuguese in a printshop in Mozambique before stapling and trimming.
Opúsculos de ensino da Bíblia Maná em português em uma gráfica em Moçambique antes de agrafar e aparar.
BURKINA FASO. Jeunes membres d'église avec Manne Bible enseignant des livres en français.
Young church members with Manna Bible teaching books in French. In November 2024, we were told this couple are now engaged to be be married!
Forty-page A5 Manna Bible teaching commentaries printed in the Democratic Republic of Congo in French, Kiluba and Kisongye languages.
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