'BITE-SIZE'Commentary | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 |
Mark Part 1, chapters 1 to 8 | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT |
Mark Part 2, chapters 9 to 16 | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT |
Acts Part 1, chapters 1 to 12 | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT |
Acts Part 2, chapters 13 to 28 | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT | TEXT |
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Manna EASY-READ booklets are also recommended for young Bible students who wish to become fluent in reading and teaching Scripture in easy English.
'EASY READ' Commentary | Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 |
Mark Part 1, chapters 1 to 8: Original full text | Colour or Black | Colour or Black | Colour or Black | Colour or Black | Colour or Black | Colour or Black |
Mark Part 2, chapters 9 to 16: Original full text | Colour or Black | Colour or Black | Colour or Black | Colour or Black | Colour or Black | Colour or Black |
For all full-length Manna Bible teaching commentaries in 10-point Tahoma font, go to:
Manna Publications provides easy-to-read Bible Teaching Commentaries that are free to download with Western cultural aspects and jargon removed and religious terms explained. They are also easily translated into local languages.
You can read Manna Bible teaching commentaries on your mobile! Here are our new 'bite-size' Manna text files and EASY READ booklets.
Front cover of the full-colour EASY READ version of Mark, Part 1 (Unit 1) 'bite-size' Manna commentary (eight A4 pages) in large print.
Forty-page A5 Manna Bible teaching commentaries printed in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the French, Kiluba and Kisongye languages.
Manna Bible commentaries printed in Myanmar for Bible students and churches in the Burmese and Chin languages.
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