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Manna Publications (banner) Easy English Bible Commentaries for Translation & Printing worldwide!

Daily & Weekend Manna devotional readings

Mobile-friendly daily and weekly Bible teaching devotions written in Worldwide Easy English based mainly on the NIrV Bible New International Readers Version (1998), NIrV Bible with valuable cross-references to the King James Bible. These Manna devotionals are prepared daily (Mon to Sat) at 0600 hrs, then uploaded at approx. 0730 hrs GMT.


It was the last wish of Fred Morris, Manna Publications author, to his editorial team that, under Holy Spirit guidance, "Old Testament teachings should be viewed in the light of their New Testament fulfilment and that New Testament teachings for today should be viewed in the context of God's purposes and promises expressed in the Old Testament and then applied to today".
These daily devotionals are useful for Bible teaching topics and sermon ideas from random places in the Old and New Tetaments. They will help build up a broader picture of what the Bible says at the time it was written and for today.

21st January 2025.
    Judges Chapters 9-10.
After the reign of Gideon as king of Israel, his evil eldest son Abimelech took over. He murdered all his brothers except Jotham, the youngest, who hid himself. But Abimelech was murdered after Jotham predicted he would die. For the next 45 years, the good kings Tola then Jair reigned over Israel. But during the reign of the next king, Jephthah, the Israelites began to worship the gods of neighbouring tribes. In His anger, the LORD God Almighty allowed His people to suffer under the control of the Philistines and Ammonites for 18 years. The people repented and said to the LORD, "We have sinned. Do to us what you think is best. But please save us now." Then they got rid of their false gods. They served the LORD and He did not allow Israel to suffer any longer.
    Acts 2:42-47. 'The believers studied what the apostles taught. They shared their lives together. They ate and prayed together. Everyone was amazed at what God was doing. They were amazed when the apostles performed many wonders and signs... They shared everything they had. They sold property and other things they owned. They gave to anyone who needed something. Every day they met together in the temple courtyard. They ate meals together in their homes. Their hearts were glad and sincere. They praised God. They were respected by all the people. Every day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved.' It was during this time that Peter and John healed the lame man outside the Temple in the name of Jesus Christ (3:6-7).
    Father God, thank You again for Your examples of good and bad people who lived over 1000 years before Christ at the time of Gideon and Jephthah. Help us today to live by the examples of the earliest followers of Christ at the time of Peter and John. May we share in reading the Bible together, praying together, and see signs and wonders performed in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Read our current archive or our 2024 archive or our 2023 archive or Archive for Jan-June 2022 or Archive for July-Dec 2022 or July-Dec 2021 or Jan-June 2021 or Jan-Dec 2020

WEEKEND MANNA (what FRED SAID in his publications)

Extracts from Manna Publications Bible teaching commentaries by the late Fred Morris based on the Easy English NIrV Bible.

Weekend of 18th/19th January 2025
Philippians Chapter 4: Be of one mind

Paul told his readers how to live to please God. If they followed his example, they would stand firm in the strength of the Lord (4:1). Then they would be examples to others. Paul called their godly lives "my joy and crown". He loved them very much.
    However, two women in the church could not agree. This caused trouble in the church and Paul asked the leaders to help these two women settle their argument. "I want them to agree with each other because they belong to the Lord" (4:2). The Holy Spirit brings unity in a group. This happens when each person holds to the truth and lives a holy life. He wanted all of them to know God's peace (2:2).
    Personal matters must be settled by each believer. Leaders must speak against any wrong teaching or sin in the lives of the believers. Paul was careful to note that “their names are all written in the Book of Life” (4:3; Revelation 3:5). This means these two women were born again by the Spirit of God.
    Paul told them again to be joyful and "rejoice in the Lord always" (4:4). This is a command to be obeyed. At times we may be sad and mourn. We may get upset and disagree with others at times. But God's word commands us to forgive and be joyful in the Lord for all that He has done for us.
    "Let everyone see how gentle you are." And he wanted them to live believing that the Lord is coming soon (4:5). If God is at work in us, we can be gentle towards all persons. When we love other believers, we are gentle even in correcting them. This is most important for church leaders.
    Paul also wrote, "Do not worry about anything. Tell God about everything. Ask and pray and give thanks to Him" (4:6). Satan wants us to worry. But God wants us to enjoy His peace in our hearts (4:7). Instead of worrying, we are told to pray about everything "giving thanks to God" (4:6). If we do this, we have God's promise: "the peace of God... will guard your hearts and your minds because you belong to Christ Jesus" (4:7). Those without Jesus have no true peace in their hearts. God's peace is so amazing, it "can never be completely understood".

Extracted from "PHILIPPIANS AND COLOSSIANS" Bible teaching commentary by Fred Morris, © 2002, 2023. [view here]
Read our archived PDF files of "Fred Said" devotionals: Current archive 2025 or Archive for 2024 or Archive for 2023 or Archive for 2022 or Archive for 2021 or 2020 or 2019 or 2018


God's 'now word' for today for worldwide believers in the One True and Almighty God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This weekly 'word of knowledge' is spoken through Manna supporter and mentor Rev Peter Luck (Kettering, UK) based on "The Lord Jesus breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.' " (John 20:22). Note that 'Holy Spirit' or 'Holy Ghost' means the 'Holy Breath of God' who is the 'Breath of Life' (Genesis 2:7). Uploaded weekly on Sunday afternoons after morning worship and revelation of God's 'now word'.
   The 'now word' for meditation week commencing 3rd September 2023 is:

"My Breath speaks of Almighty God's love to the whole of mankind."

Read "My Breath" archive for 2020-21 or archive for 2022 or current archive.


   Father God and Creator in Heaven, we thank and praise You for Your love and mercy in forgiving and saving us through the sacrifice of Your Son and Saviour, Jesus the Christ and Messiah. Thank You for His promised Holy Spirit at work in the lives of those who repent and believe and among fellowships of true believers. Keep us faithful as Bible-believing witnesses of Your purpose in Christ to establish Your Kingdom on Earth as in Heaven. Forgive our disobedience, fears and doubts. Provide our daily needs while awaiting His return, and bring help and forgiveness to others through His resurrection power and through His compassion at work in our lives. Grant us perseverance during famines, plagues, storms and persecution as we study and teach and distribute Your Bible booklets.
   Thank You for the amazing 2000-year worldwide growth of the Church and for the part that Manna Publications has played in this 21st Century. Accept our praise for the funding, printing and distribution of Manna Bible teaching commentaries written by the late Fred Morris currently in Armenia, Burkina Faso, Dem. Rep. Congo, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Tanzania, Zambia and worldwide through this website. Amen.

Also read daily prayers for blessing God's people who are persecuted or traumatised by climate change, plagues, terrorists or wars, by Barnabas Aid for the worldwide suffering church at BarnabasAid

Manna Publications provide easy-to-read Bible Teaching Commentaries free to download with Western culture/jargon removed and religious terms explained, which are also easy to translate into local languages. Print your own or contact us

Manna Publications Bible teaching commentaries by the late Fred Morris


Manna author, ex-missionary Fred Morris (USA)

Manna author, Australian missionary Fred Morris, retired to the USA and established Manna Publications (USA) in the year 1990 and Manna Publications (UK) in the year 2000. The first overseas printings of his Genesis Bible teaching commentary Part 1 were with his former missionary contacts in Mongolia and Kenya. Over 650,000 low-cost A5 booklets have been printed and reprinted (typical print runs are 500 copies per title) in 40+ countries and as many languages. Printed at points of greatest need since 2001, plus undocumented quantities before that.

Fred died September 13th 2018 at the age of almost 94. He leaves a worldwide volunteer organisation of administrators, donors, prayer supporters, editors, proof-readers, typists, publishers, printers, translators and distributors. They endorse his easy-to-read Bible teaching and welcome the opportunity to spread God's truth plus His Good News of Jesus Christ 'to the ends of the earth' in Worldwide Easy English or in local languages.

Read the life story of Manna author Fred Morris "From Navy Boy to Missionary".

God enabled Fred Morris to benefit from Frank Laubach's ministry (as did Billy Graham) to help people whose English literacy was poor. Frank applied the principle of "each one teach one" through the preparation and distribution of simple Bible reading material in the USA and then send them to the developing nations. God's vision to Fred was to write his own simple Bible teaching commentaries, then print them overseas at points of greatest need where believers have few Bibles and even fewer Bible teachers. This has been happening in over 40 countries and languages. His books can now be downloaded free in mobile-friendly formats or printed at home.

View the Wikipedia account of Frank Laubach here and his connection with Manna Worldwide Easy English Bible teaching commentaries

Fred's ministry not only fulfils the vision given to him over 30 years ago but also fulfils in part the promise of Jesus Christ to enable His followers to do even more than He did when He lived on Earth 2000 years ago! God's Enabler or Helper is the power of the Holy Spirit given to the Apostles after the Ascension of Christ, which is received in faith by all who repent and are then baptised (Luke 24:47; Acts 10:47-48).

Front cover of the Burmese Manna Bible teaching commentary on Genesis Chapters 1-11 translated and published in Myanmar 2019.