Manna Bible teaching commentaries (typically 40 pages per title) can be downloaded free (below) in three formats for printing, translating or on-line reading/viewing:
Format 1, Printer's files: illustrated (black-on-white) A5 Bible teaching booklets as PDF files ready for printing, 2 pages per A4 sheet. [To print both sides, print the odd numbered sheets first, then reverse the sheet sequence and print the even numbers.] Find the Portuguese Manna Bible commentaries HERE and French Manna Bible commentaries HERE and Spanish Manna Bible commentaries HERE Manna Publications provide easy-to-read Bible Teaching Commentaries free to download with Western culture/jargon removed and religious terms explained, which are also easily translated into local languages.
Format 2, Translator's files: unillustrated Bible teaching as an RTF text file for translating, or for word-processing, to create your own teaching material. [RTF files can easily be saved as DOC or DOCX files.] Please contact us to add our free illustrations or to ask any questions.
Format 3, Reader's files: illustrated (full-colour) Bible teaching booklets on separate A4 pages as a PDF file for reading on-line (mobile-friendly); also for printing large-print A4 sheets.
Formats 1 and 3 are also available in easy-to-read FRENCH HERE, PORTUGUESE HERE and SPANISH HERE. Contact us for other languages or help with printing.
Commentaries in Worldwide Easy English
WE PRAY that you may have a new peace and purpose in life as you trust in Jesus, read the Bible and use these commentaries. Think also about what Jesus said and did 2000 years ago and what He is calling you to say and do today.
Manna Publications Bible teaching commentaries by the late Fred Morris
Manna Bible teaching commentaries with customised book covers designed and printed in Nigeria.
Church leaders in Malawi holding Manna Bible teaching commentaries before a showing of The Jesus Film.