* Give a greater understanding to Bible teaching and God's purpose in Jesus Christ.
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* Encourages reading of the Bible before each study.
* Christ-centered application throughout.
* Religious and theological words explained.
* Western culture and idioms removed.
* Questions to talk about in groups and for personal meditation.
* Additional information for pastors and teachers.
* Supports Evangelical Alliance statement of faith www.eauk.org.
* Educates readers in Worldwide Easy English/français courant.
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Armenia further update. "I wanted to update you on the response that we have had to Genesis Part 1. You will be pleased to know that of the 1000 copies printed, almost all of them have been distributed with just a handful remaining. They have been very well accepted, and we have had a number of requests for more copies to be given out. All in all, the response has been very encouraging, for which we praise God!" MH. However, the situation on the border is still very volatile and a fresh wave of call-up for young men has commenced [September 2021]. These are dark days with real danger. They ask for prayers for wise use of their limited resources in helping the poor and needy. Also for the political situation.
In over 19 years of publishing the Bible teaching books of
Fred Morris in the developing nations, this picture is probably the most graphic to be emailed back to Manna UK.
It is evidence of the changed life that the truth of God can bring to people who have been set free from the
bondage of sin - personal sin and the sin of others. In this case, Ma Grace, who lives in a remote part of
Nigeria, received the Good News of Jesus from a visiting team of evangelists and teachers from Cameroon. Her
dead husband had terribly abused her through brutal and manipulating voodoo spirits. However, in His mercy,
God spoke to her and saved her through faith in Jesus and freed her from the bondage of the past. Her
life-style and outlook quickly changed as she read the Bible and Manna Bible teaching books and worshipped
with other believers... MORE
"Last year in a Christian Seminar I bought the book, Beginnings, Genesis 1-11,
by Mr. Fred Morris. The book blessed my soul by the deep exposition in it. . . Our church is young and without
a Bible expositor; therefore your help will go a long way in supporting our spiritual growth. (Kenya).
Thank you for the book 'Beginnings: the Origins and Purpose of Life' and 'Abraham: the Father of all
who Believe the One True God'. I get much strength from these two books. These support me to broaden my
knowledge of God and understand the creation story correctly.
Manna Publications provide easy-to-read Bible teaching commentaries, free to print or download, with Western culture/jargon removed and religious terms explained, which are also easily translated into local languages. Photo: Helena (can you see her baby?) with Mark part 1 Manna Bible teaching course in Kiluba language (40 pages, size A5) printed locally in Dem. Rep. Congo 2018.
I want to thank you for all the books your organisation has printed. I am presently serving in
jail for drug related offences. I accepted Jesus into my life.
(Burkina Faso)
Manna Publications Bible teaching commentaries by the late Fred Morris
Young readers in the Chin Hills, Myanmar, receive their first ever Bible commentaries in the local language
Malawi workman studying his copy of a 40-page Manna Bible teaching commentary in the Chichewa language.
Two Manna titles printed by one of our distributors in Zambia 2022. "This had been a great experience in the distribution of Manna books. Thanks for the great work you are doing."