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Manna Publications (banner) Easy English Bible Commentaries for Translation & Printing worldwide!

Latest Worldwide Manna News

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From worldwide Manna Publications volunteers who translate, publish, print and distribute our Bible teaching commentaries. We give all the glory to God in extending His Bible truth and the Good News of eternal salvation in Jesus Christ through the writings of the late Fred Morris.

Please Contact Us for further information about this news.

3rd September 2023. Manna newsletter: The latest Manna Publications (UK) newsletter has been released for reading on-screen at: latest newsletter.

29th August 2023. Zambia: Funding has been sent to a new distributor for printing 400 copies each of Mark part 1 English, Mark part 1 Bemba and 1 Corinthians English. Myanmar: Funding has also been sent to print 500 copies of Genesis part 1 commentary in the Hakha Chin language for Christians in the Chin Hills region.

9th August 2023. Zambia: Full funding has been sent to our newest distributor, a Muslim convert, to print 500 copies of John part 1 English commentary. Part funding has also been sent to one of our existing distributors in Zambia to print more of this same popular title. New translation: The Spanish translation of "Samuel & Saul" Bible commentary on 1 Samuel 4-16 has been uploaded to the website. New printer: A new low cost printer has been approved for printing Chichewa Bible commentaries in Blantyre, Malawi.

20th July 2023: Nepal: First full-size Bible commentary in Nepali approved for make-up and printing in Nepal, John part 1. Tanzania: Samples of Manna books in Swahili will shortly be taken to Tanzania for consideration. Mexico: Exodus part 2 commentary in Spanish has been uploaded to the website and the translation of the Samuel and Saul title has been received for approval and book make-up.

8th July 2023. Revised commentary uploaded: The latest revision of Joshua part 2 Bible teaching commentary by Fred Morris has been uploaded to the Manna Publications UK website for free printing or reading online.

28th June 2023. Sets of books: Sets of Manna Bible commentaries have been prepared for various teaching ministries in Africa: four titles for printing in Zambia for a Scripture Union conference next month in Chipata; four titles for printing in Malawi for prison fellowships in Blantyre; ten titles for printing in Kenya for the Word of Life School of Theology in Meru. Myanmar: Photo received today of 500 copies of Revelations 1-3 Bible commentary translated, typeset and printed in NW Myanmar in the Ngawn Chin language. Websites: The Manna Publications UK and USA websites "crashed" for the whole of last week. Thank God for prayers requested and answered and also for lessons learned.

19th June 2023. Dem. Rep. of Congo: 50% funding has been sent to reprint the commentary of John part 1 in French and Kiluba languages. Myanmar: Funding has been sent for the translation and printing of Revelation part 1 commentary in the Ngawn Chin language. Zambia: Our thanks to God for the complete healing of two of our distributors in Zambia who hope to resume their publishing ministry soon.

9th June 2023. Zambia: Part funding has been sent to one of our distributors in Zambia for printing 500 copies of John part 1 Bible teaching commentary.

7th June 2023. Revised commentary: The commentary of Ruth and Hannah has been revised and uploaded to the website in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish versions. New translations: Translations of Exodus part 2 commentary in Spanish and John part 1 commentary in Nepali have been received for make-up into A5 booklets.

31st May 2023. Mozambique: Revelation part 1 Bible teaching commentary translated into Portuguese for printing in Beira.

15th May 2023. Newsletter: The latest Manna Publications (UK) newsletter is now available to read online or download at latest newsletter. [latest newsletter] It contains useful prayer topics for the Manna volunteers in Africa, Asia and Central America.

19th April 2023. Malawi: A new translation of Romans part 2 Manna Bible teaching commentary has been received. This is the twelfth title in the Chichewa language. We have also been introduced to a volunteer who works in the prison service in Blantyre who is keen to distribute Manna books. Money has been sent to subsidise the printing of 1000 books in Balaka for distribution among the churches to the north of the capital. Armenia: We have received news and a photo that a supporter of Armenian Ministries visits poor people in the villages near to the capital Yerevan to distribute clothing and this ministry includes Manna Bible teaching commentaries and Bibles.

Manna Publications Bible teaching commentaries by Fred Morris are for use on your own or to study in a group. They will help you to understand the truth of God who is worshipped by two billion Jews and Christians worldwide. These books will also help you to receive eternal life through His Son, Jesus, the Christ or Messiah. They will help you to talk about your faith in God and to pray to Him. They will help to guide you from going the wrong way in life. They will help you to live a life that is pleasing to God.

WE PRAY that you may have a new peace and purpose in life as you trust in Jesus, read the Bible, and use these commentaries under the guidance of His promised Holy Spirit.

"The secret of God's Kingdom has been given to you" (Mark 4:11)


The Unabridged writings of Fred Morris

UNDER DEVELOPMENT: Fred's unabridged (unedited) writings are being uploaded as part of Fred's Bible teaching legacy. They were archived by the late Jim Norman, Bedford, UK. He assisted Fred during the period 2002 to 2017 by proof-reading over 150 Bible topics written by Fred after his retirement in 1990. Note that these booklets have not been edited by Fred's UK editorial team.

Title Topic or series Read text
Aaron, brother of Moses People of the Bible DOC
Adam to Noah History in the Bible DOC
Amos Books of the Bible DOC
Angels The meaning of... DOC
Anti-Christ ...and Christ's return DOC
Authority Christian authority DOC
Babel History in the Bible DOC
Baptism The meaning of... DOC
Beginnings History in the Bible DOC
Christ and His Church Living for Jesus DOC
Coming on the clouds Living for Jesus DOC