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Manna Publications (banner) Easy English Bible Commentaries for Translation & Printing worldwide!


Manna Publications (UK) currently supplies teaching books for:

Armenia: Armenian Ministries in Yerevan. Headquarters in Spalding (UK). Online donations for humanitarian aid work at:
Mozambique (2): Project Mozambique, Beira and Maputo. Online donations for humanitarian aid work at: Also, Igreja Evangélica Assembleia de Deus de Moçambique, Maputo; MDI Moçambique, Maputo.
Malawi (14): Christian Resource Ministries, Blantyre. Online donations for orphanages, schools and churches at: Also, Divine Life Church, Balaka; Pentecostal Church of God, Africa Mission, Ngabu; Reach Out Ministries, Balaka; Deaf Christian Fellowship, Blantyre; Friends of BLK, Balaka; Southern Region Prisons Headquarters, Chichiri, Blantyre; Ntcheu Scripture Union of Malawi, Blantyre; St Michael All Angels Church, Blantyre; International Bible College, Lilongwe; Reach Out Ministries, Chichiri, Blantyre; Fountain of Victory Church, Blantyre; Assemblies of God Church, Domasi, Zomba; The Student Christian Organisation of Malawi, Lilongwe; Rivers of Hope Ministries, Zomba.
Uganda (2): Child Support Ministries Africa, Kampala. Online donations for orphans and vocational skills at: Also, Bread of Life Publications, Kampala.
Democratic Republic of Congo: Publications Manne, Lubumbashi, Katanga Province. Manna Publications ministry in schools and churches in four local languages.
Ethiopia (2): Nigat Book Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Publishing Manna Bible teaching books book in association with Ethiopian Christian Brethren Church, Addis Ababa.
Kenya (2): Word of Life School of Theology Ltd, Kianjai, Meru. Printing Manna books for training Bible students in Swahili and English, in association with New Dawn Ministry, Meru.
Liberia (2): Manna Outreach Ministries (Liberia), Johnsonville Community, Paynesville, Monrovia. Also Manna Outreach Ministries, Montserrado.
Mexico: Foundation For His Ministry (FFHM), Tlacolula de Matamoros, Oaxaca.
Tanzania: Pentecostal Missionary Church (PMC), Kibaha Coast Region, Dar Es Salaam.
U.S.A. Recursos Evangélicos en Espanol, Jefferson City, Missouri.
Burkina Faso: Action Chrétienne Burkinabé, Bobo-Dioulasso.
Also in Zambia (5), Myanmar (2), India and Nepal (locations confidential).

Manna Publications (UK) partners with:

USA: Manna Publications (USA) is the parent organization to Manna (UK) and supply both adult and children's Bible teaching books overseas. View their free downloads (letter size).
UK: Manna Publications (UK) is affiliated to Avail, Leeds through our Manna volunteers Bill and Angela Russell.
UK: Manna Publications (UK) supports the Evangelical Alliance statement of faith.
UK: We are pleased to recommend MissionAssist (formerly Wycliffe Associates). MissionAssist helps Manna Publications (UK) with book publishing skills.

Useful online Bibles in easy english: Manna Publications (UK) is pleased to recommend Bible Gateway which offers search and print facilities for approx 60 different English Bibles (including the NIrV Easy English Bible used in Manna Publications Bible Teaching Commmentaries) NIrV Bible plus Bibles in many other languages.

Read online the Easy English Bible published by Mission Assist UK.

View The Jesus Book New Testament in Worldwide English PDF version published by SOON Publications, England, in 1998 and republished in 2023 by Manna Publications (UK) in memory of George Verwer (Operation Mobilisation).

Useful Bible summaries:

View a 4-page 'Summary of the Bible' (by Hodder & Stoughton): HERE. Read 150-word summaries of each book of the Bible (by MissionAssist UK): HERE or fuller summaries of each book (by HERE.

Read a summary by Manna volunteer Robert Betts in full colour of 'The Life of Jesus' illustrated, or print an A5 version in black unillustrated, or read a preview here.

Overview of the Old Testament, adapted from "Applied Old Testament Commentary" overview by Dr Tom Hale, former colleague of Manna Publications author Fred Morris, 4000 words.

Other Useful Bible Literature Links:

Gideons Bible helps Manna Publications (UK) is pleased to recommend The Gideons International Bible helps on a large range of topics to meet all needs.

View full-length Applied Bible Commentaries recommended by Manna author Fred Morris at: Old Testament and New Testament These commentaries are written by Fred's former friend and colleague Dr. Tom Hale. Scroll down to see all 1000+ pages per book before buying these valuable resources. Manna Publications (UK) is pleased to recommend Gospelcom Christian literature ministries. Suppliers of “The Big Journey” series to view and read 16 PDF files online or off-line, which makes the Bible clear, explains the Christian faith and helps understand God's purpose in life from His creation in the beginning to His new creation in Jesus. Colourful A5 Bible stories and audio downloads are available free from GRN. Also the GRN Bible Picture Pack at which is used by Manna Publications for illustrating our Bible teaching commentaries. Available in black or full colour.

Download 'Manna for Children' colouring books by Lorna, wife of Manna Publications author Fred Morris at Manna books, USA

Old Testament teaching in the light of Messianic Jewish teaching for today at by Manna co-founder Penny Byrne

View the GRN Bible Picture Pack at which is used by Manna Publications (UK) for illustrating the Bible teaching commentaries written by Fred Morris.

View the Wikipedia account of Frank Laubach here and his connection with Manna Easy English Bible teaching commentaries

View Bite-size Manna teaching for Mark and Acts HERE

Read daily prayers for blessing God's people who are persecuted or traumatised by climate change, plagues, terrorists or wars, by Barnabas Aid for the worldwide suffering church at BarnabasAid

Manna Publications provide easy-to-read Bible Teaching Commentaries free to download with Western culture/jargon removed and religious terms explained, which are also easily translated into local languages.

Manna Publications Bible teaching commentaries by the late Fred Morris


Selling Manna Bible commentaries in Africa after church meeting
Selling Manna Bible commentaries in Africa after church meeting

Allocating Manna Bible teaching books for distribution in Malawi in the Chichewa language.