In over 12 years of publishing the Bible teaching books of Fred Morris in the developing nations, this picture is probably the most graphic to be emailed back to Manna UK. It is evidence of the changed life that the truth of God can bring to people who have been set free from the bondage of sin - personal sin and the sin of others. In this case, Ma Grace, who lives in a remote part of Nigeria, received the Good News of Jesus from a visiting team of evangelists and teachers from Cameroon. Her dead husband had terribly abused her through brutal and manipulating voodoo spirits. However, in His mercy, God spoke to her and saved her through faith in Jesus and freed her from the bondage of the past. Her life-style and outlook quickly changed as she read the Bible and Manna Bible teaching books and worshipped with other believers.
Jesus warned his disciples that there would be large harvests to reap but few harvest workers in the fields (Matthew 9:37). This is still true today. Manna books play an important part in building up faithful believers and new converts to embolden them to reap the harvest right where they live, by encouraging them to share their faith, testimonies and understanding of Scripture.
This is why our editorial teams in France and the UK spend a lot of time expressing the foundational writings of Fred Morris in “easy” or “plain” English and French which John and the other apostles wrote to young churches in remote places “because ... you have overcome the evil one.” (1 John 2:14). Their letters were copied again and again and helped them to reap the harvest wherever the Good News was preached. Our Manna overseas publishers copy (i.e. print) typically 500 books at a time (sometimes 1000 or even 5000 copies) to build up the believers to reap the harvest whilst there is time in these troubled and dangerous days. John told the believers, “You have an anointing from the Holy One.” (2:20). The same is true today for those who have renounced evil and received Christ as their Saviour who then learn the truth of God through reading their Bibles and Manna Bible teaching commentaries. [Click your Browser's "BACK" (or <-- ) button to return to previous page.]
Easy-to-Read English and French Bible Commentaries - Ready to Print FREE. Western culture/jargon removed and religious terms explained - easily translated into other languages.